£300 Loan

  • Loans from £100 – £5,000
  • Soft Search online quote
  • Money sent the same day
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Get a quick £300 loan today with Short Term Loans UK

"Thousands of happy customers find a loan with us everyday"
"Money sent the same day"
"Free no Obligation online quote"
Warning: Late repayment of payday loans can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to moneyhelper.org.uk.
We are a credit broker and not a lender.
Short Term Loans UK will never call you and will never charge you any fees. Never pay upfront fees for a loan or send money in return for a loan. 
Rates from 12.9% APR to 1721% APR. The minimum Loan Term is 3 months. The maximum Loan Term is 36 months. 
Representative Example: £1,000 borrowed for 18 months. Repayment of 17 Months at £87.22 and final repayment of £87.70 The total amount repayable is £1570.44. Interest amounts to £570.44, an annual interest rate of 59.97% (fixed). Representative APR: 79.5% (variable).
*Subject to application being approved by the lender. Not all lenders are able to provide up to £5000.
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£300 Short Term Loan

Short term Loans UK can help you find a £300 loan.

You can apply for a £300 short term loan and have the money in your bank account the same day. Even those with bad credit are considered for this type of loan, which can be used for all types of emergency funding. Short term loans are small sums of money which are repaid within a short period of time.

How Do £300 Short Term Loans Work?

Short term loans UK are different from payday loans, they provide you with the opportunity to repay the loan over a period of time. A £300 short term loan is usually repaid in monthly instalments for a period of three months. If you borrow more, you can often find you can repay up to six months or more.

The monthly instalments make the loans more manageable and easier to budget for, reducing the risk of finding yourself in financial difficulty.

Can I be Approved for a £300 Short Term Loan with Bad Credit?

When you have a bad credit history, you find it very difficult to be approved for a loan, especially through traditional channels, such as your bank. The majority of online lenders consider applications from those with bad credit. It’s understandable that you may have had financial problems in the past, but this does not affect you today.

It doesn’t matter what your credit score, with the eligibility and affordability checks carried out by online lenders, you can apply for a £300 Short Term Loan, with a good chance of being approved.

How Long Does It Take To Get a £300 Short Term Loan?

If you are thinking of applying for a £300 short term loan, chances are you need emergency cash for a car repair or repair to a boiler or appliance in your home. You don’t have time to waste. Applying for a short term loan is quick, simple and easy. The entire application process is done online.

The simple online application form takes no more than five minutes to complete and you can often get an instant decision. Once approved the money can be banked in your UK bank account the same day or the following day, depending on the time of approval.

Can I Get a £300 Short Term Loan Without a Credit Check?

All lenders will carry out a credit check, even if you have bad credit. It is part of their responsible lending regulations. Even on a small short term loan of £300 a credit check will be carried out, ensuring that you cannot damage your finances by borrowing the money. A credit check is done for your financial safety, though remember that even those with poor credit scores are often approved.

What Else Do Lenders Look at For a £300 Short Term Loan

Online lenders in the United Kingdom are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). This means that they must carry out their lending in a responsible manner, to project you. As a result, online lenders will carry out a credit check and do their own eligibility and affordability checks.

Eligibility checks usually include being over the age of eighteen and being a UK resident, being employed and having a UK bank account and debit card. This ensures that your repayments can be taken off the bank account on an agreed date and you have instant access to the money you borrow.

Their affordability checks include your current income amount and expenditure. They need to ensure that you are in a position to repay the loan plus interest in equal monthly instalments for the agreed period.

As a result, those with good and bad credit are often approved for a £300 short term loan.